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Non-Profit Consulting for Mission-Driven Asset Management for Non-Profits, Endowments & Foundations

Non-Profit Consulting for Mission-Driven Asset Management

SWA’s founder and owner, Harry Moran, has a long history of non-profit consulting in support of important community initiatives. SWA continues this tradition of contributing to projects that help support a vision for a peaceful, compassionate, and prosperous community. With this background and experience, we are especially sensitive to the challenges that mission-driven organizations face and take great pleasure in helping them succeed.

In conjunction with First Affirmative Financial Network, SWA offers non-profit consulting and asset management services for organizations seeking to integrate mission and values into their investment process and decision making. We can assist in developing an appropriate Investment Policy Statement (IPS) that aligns pension, endowment, or foundation funds with the organization’s mission, while still meeting their fiduciary and stewardship responsibilities. We also design and manage multi-manager environmental, social, and governance (ESG) portfolios that are customized to your organization’s focus and needs.

We can assist with fulfilling your fiduciary responsibilities through custom services designed to match your organization’s specific needs, requirements, and objectives. Compensation for non-profit consulting can take the form of hourly fees, a semiannual retainer, or a fee for assets under management. We will work with you to create a mutually beneficial relationship in which we clearly add value to your investment process. Whether you are looking for a one-time consultation, quarterly meetings and performance reviews, or a full-service advisory relationship, we welcome the opportunity to work with you.

Areas where our consulting services may be most helpful