Using our Leverage as Investors to Fight Climate Change
The events of this summer have left no doubt that the more severe impacts of climate change are happening right now. In the last few

Visit SWA at the Renewable Energy and Sustainable Living Fair 2021
As a member of the Community Advocates for a Sustainable Environment (CASE) mailing list, we are sending you a personal invitation to the fifth annual

Recent Stock Market Gyrations – How Concerned Should We Be?
It’s a strange time by all accounts, with a virus shutting down travel, activities, and commerce globally in an attempt to contain the spread. The

Shareowner Advocacy – The Heart of Impact
The most visible and discussed component of sustainable, responsible, impact investing (SRI) is centered on the process of screening. Based on certain environmental, social or

Toxic Challenges and Opportunities in the Apparel Industry
When we think of sustainability issues, the apparel industry is probably not the first thing to come to mind. The current environmental and social realities

Beyond the Basics
Many impact investors share some of the same concerns with respect to the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues they hold dear. There are certainly